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Star Fleet Genesis mod for EV:Nova (game)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:50 am
by Bradster
Well, I've gone and scrapped most of my old plan for the Escape Velocity: Nova game total conversion. (Thus the new thread instead of continuing with the other.) I've taken a much more organized approach and am carefully working out new storylines for my Star Fleet Genesis game. The biggest mistake I made before was in overwhelming myself with too many of the technicalities of the game engine without getting the basics down first; I didn't see the forest for the trees.This Star Fleet game takes place several years after the Star Fleet series took place. It shares a bit of Earth's and the galaxy's history leading up to the show. Through the introductory dialog and missions, the game explains the events surrounding Space War III (mentioned at the beginning of the show) and the changes that have happened since the gallant "X Crew" saved Earth from the Imperial Alliance.You start the game as a youngster fresh out of pilot school. The whole galaxy lies at your fingertips. You could make a name for yourself as a simple merchant trader. You could work your way up through the ranks of Earth Defense Forces and become a commander in Star Fleet. You could seek out the mysterious people of Collinian, Lamia, and the F-01. You could join the separatist group that battled with Earth in the devastating Space War III. You could even take up arms with the Gelma in the now broken Imperial Alliance.Those are the major "threads" that I've come up with so far. I'll save the details of the story for later and just share some screenshots as I make progress with everything.For starters, here are shots of the galaxy map, some available ships, a common scene around a spaceport, and a small battle with a Drone Craft.(click to enlarge)I don't seriously expect to be finishing this game any time soon, but I hope to have the various thread stories complete (at least on paper) and the ship mechanics worked out by the end of the summer.Wish me luck...