Thundercats DVDs

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Thundercats DVDs

Post by Rachel »

I bought the first set of Thundercats in HMV (Season 1, Volume 1), and I can't wait for the next batch to arrive, in about a month. I had forgotten quite how grrreat this cartoon was; although for me it's tinged with sadness because I named one of my pets Wilykat, and he died in the year 2000. In the extras on one of the discs, a fan said he wanted more of Cheetara, and less of Snarf; I like both Cheetara and Snarf. Actually, I like all the good guys. My favourite episodes are those which have the Berbils, robot teddy-bears; they are sooo cute!As Lion-O grew up during his time in the capsule, why did Wilykit and Wilykat remain children? Strange!