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Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:04 am
by felice
Palpatine had just killed three Jedi without breaking a sweat, and was only pretending to let Mace defeat him for Anakin's benefit. Chosing the Jedi would have been suicide. I thought that scene was well done - Anakin turned Palpatine over to the Jedi, and only joined the dark side when the Jedi attempted to execute him without trial. A nice level of ambiguity to confuse poor Anakin, instead of him just deciding to join the Sith for the #### of it. And Sidious was ready to reveal himself to the Jedi as evil - why not revel in it?I was glad to see they cut down on the stupid "humour" that plagued the other prequels. The amazing Super Artoo at the start was silly, but that was about it. Have you seen the others recently? Palpatine is far superior to Jarjar, and there's nothing like the awful "what a drag" and I'm beside myself".RotS is not a perfect movie, but it's a big step up from tPM and AotC.


Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:12 am
by felice
H E double hockey sticks is censored?


Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 11:16 am
by Crash
I thought it was fantastic and very cleverly done how it slotted into the start of episode 4. Everything that was familiar from the original was there and still looked ... futuristic and convincing. - Takes a lotta doing.I thought Ewan McGregor was a bit ... emotionless when he found out about Anakin wiping out all the little kids. I mean sure, he's a Jedi and all but I think it would have been more realistic to show Obi a bit more visibly enraged.I thought the actual pitched battle scenes were brilliant, where it wasn't just one-on-one. I agree tho' that some of the action bits were rather reminiscent of japanese stuff.But I think people are being needlessly overharsh on this one. By example the Sunday Times review where they had evidently written the review before seeing the film; false quotes, exaggeration, miscomprehension; All opinion presented as absolute fact.


Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:15 pm
by Crash
I'd agree there - he was pretty scary and deranged, not firing on all 6 cylinders kinda gets me a bit unnerved.I thought the killing the little kids was a bit sick and rather unnecessary. Really quite horrible actually. I'd actually say Christenson was a rubbish actor myself. He just didn't belong in the same room as the vast majority of the cast. It totally let the side down, juxtaposing him with real actors.


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:28 pm
by Matt Darcy
bit of an older thread but it looked quite interesting.I'd be interested in knowing what scene Speilberg directed.Now then.....I thought the film was fine, I enjoyed the fights well, just long enough, and the finallly with yoda/sidious obiwan/anakin inter cut worked well, very much like the two critical moments in the galaxy, the play for good an evail in the hands of yoda and obiwan.I thought McGregor was REALLY good in this, keep in mind that he has to be a young Alec guiness, he couldn't really act differently to how Alec acted, but more his own style of a young Alec. I like him and thought he relationship between anakin and obi-wan well acted.the emporer, quite well done, although when he was dissfigured I thought his makeup in ROTJ was better than ROTS, but thats just an idel opinion.I'm still confused to who Jedi Master Siphodias was (the guy who ordered the clone army) I assume he was Darth Plagious (the emporer's master) as he would have had to hard order 66 built in.