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Easter Surprise

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 6:35 pm
by AndyThomas
In case you're wondering, what I've done with the Easter Surprise is just taken the first episode from the second disc of the pre-Simon CDRs and added the ending credits - so it cuts off a little abruptly at the end with the manic laughter, but I think it's timed about right to give the full episode. I chose it because it's a good action packed one that gives a flavour of the series. Please don't ask that I put more up - I'm now only 25MB off my site limit so I couldn't even if I wanted to! I've purposefully kept the quality relatively low, too, because it makes me feel slightly happier about having a whole episode up. I'll await feedback with interest! Oh, and you'll also see that my buttons are now more rectangular, and more numerous!

Easter Surprise

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 12:01 am
by Bradster
Hey! Pretty cool, man. I have one question, though. Are your videos of Star Fleet in stereo?? I suppose it could just be compression artifacts bouncing from the left channel to right, but sometimes that clip you made sounds like it's in stereo!:o :confused:

Easter Surprise

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 12:11 am
by AndyThomas
Hmm. I don't know if Spyros' CDs were done in stereo - bit late for me to check now, but the WMV quality I picked uses stereo so perhaps it's doing a "best guess" in splitting a mono source? A mono version would be an even lighter file, but it sounded a bit tinny...

Easter Surprise

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 12:21 am
by Bradster
Yeah, you're probably right about it splitting the mono to two channels. After listening to a bit more of it, I realized that the audio was indeed just offset and maybe inverted in one of the channels, creating a slight stereoscopic effect. It does sound good, though.btw, my offer to host or mirror any of your media files is still good. Just give me the word and I can transfer some things for ya'.