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Forum looks good!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 7:07 pm
by Shane
Hiya Andy.The Forum looks impresive.Just thought I would try out my Avatar, Signature etc.:cheesy:(Edited by Shane at 7:16 pm on Dec. 8, 2001)

Forum looks good!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 7:13 pm
by AndyThomas
Hi Shane! I think you need a / for your closing URL tag, then you sig will work - and it'll update across all your posts. I'm currently trying to fix the password mailing element...

Forum looks good!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 7:40 pm
by Shane
Ah. I gets it now. I don't really need my site URL in the signature anyway. Thought I saw a new shiro icon in the Avatar list. Having the forum thread visible while you are writing a post is a nice touch.

Forum looks good!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 11:55 am
by AndyThomas
Interesting question Dave - my old Grotto is still available at the Adamantium Archipelago but that actually pre-dates the introduction of Star Fleet into my personal site. I think I was still calling it the Adamantium Alcove (!) when I first introduced the Star Fleet pages.They used to have a funky little Java Applet which basically did the same thing as an animated gif, but with a bit more flexibility, in the top left corner and it used frames quite heavily.I then became enlightened to the fact that a) the applet took forever to get started and b) frames are not a good thing - particularly when the user unexpectedly uses large fonts which you hadn't allowed for in fixing the width of a column!Funnily enough, Dave, I suspect you probably would have preferred the old site in some ways - it was more graphical, more colourful. The way it looks today may seem a backwards step, but from what I learned on my Master's course it's a sensible way to go so that the maximum number of people can have easy access to all the material.I'll see if I have the really old versions archived at home anywhere...

Forum looks good!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 1:07 am
by AndyThomas
Shudder... Well, would you believe it, my old frame fest site was indeed lurking on my hard drive! All the graphics are broken (and no, I'm not going to try and fix them!) but if you want to see what the Adamantium Archipelago looked like in August 1999 (!) feel free to click here. God, that was just before I started my Masters course too, no wonder I changed the design shortly afterwards!I think it was also around then I realised that the font size people had selected on their system messed things up for it, potentially, too... But hey, if you don't make mistakes you don't learn anything (my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)

Forum looks good!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 5:32 pm
by Leo Smith
HiyaDon't quite know how these forum things work, so I'll be quite brief.I just wanted to congratulate anybody and everybody involved in this site. I am so excited about the chance of seeing Starfleet again, because I MISSED THE LAST EPISODE all those years ago, and don't know what happened!!!!To be fair, I can't remember much of the series, except Dai-X (or as I was calling it up to ten minutes ago- 'the big robot in the sky'!), and my own slightly skewed version of the lyrics (I thought it was- 'Send a message out to Earth Control'- School boy error!). So it will mean me having to watch the series again. I can't wait! I understand I have to send my request to Daz (?), which I have done.Anyway, that's it. Thanks for entertaining the ramblings of a prodigal son. I feel honoured to post my feelings of sheer joy amongst such true fans!Leo