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Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 1:17 pm
by simoncoverdale
Hello All,As expected with the sudden flash of legal paperwork in my direction, I am glad to 'announce' that Terrahawks will be out on DVD soon.It would appear that Revelation Films (currently providing me with a pain in the @rse via their solicitor) purchased the rights late March 2002 and intend a release soon.I'm also told the release will be episoded (is that a word!?) in a similar way to the Channel 5 video releases, followed by the missing series, and finally a "Box Set".Regards,SIMON COVERDALEwww.StarFleetDirect.comex

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 5:14 pm
by AndyThomas
Wow, probably a bit of an exclusive this! It'll be interesting to see how well it sells - it does seem that series like Airwolf are doing OK on DVD, and ####, if there's a commercial justification for Seaquest DSV coming out on video then anything's possible! Thanks for letting us know Simon - drop me a line in private about this hassle you're getting? Revelation don't seem to have a web site as such - would it also be possible to get their contact details?

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 7:20 pm
by Shane
Thats really good news! Rachel's going to be well chuffed thats for sure. I hope people buy it by the truckload. It might even help the Star Fleet cause if enough people buy a title of this nature.Maybe you should think about expanding your Terrahawks section now Andy eh?, nudge nudge, wink wink. And would I be right in thinking that this is pretty much the only Terrahawks related forum on the net at the mo? Hmmm interesting. ;)Shane.(Edited by Shane at 8:21 pm on May 2, 2002)

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 7:32 pm
by AndyThomas
Yes, it's strange - I think Phil's Terrahawks site is by far and away the most comprehensive around. The show's mentioned elsewhere, certainly, and in some cases on a bigger scale than my single page - but this may be the only quasi-active forum for the show, yes. As Phil and I have mutual links it might well pique people's curiosity and I notice that some people do hit SFXB through a search on Terrahawks. I could certainly improve on the scans I have at the moment now that I half a decent colour scanner...

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 9:07 pm
by Rachel
YIPPEE! You're right Shane, I am well chuffed! I had envisaged myself waiting until the actual year 2020, and beyond, to see the 2nd series. We will all get a chance to coo over Cystar's baby (or not, as the case may be!)I still think the series could do with being shown on the TV as well, though, because the new generation of kiddies haven't heard of it, therefore the potential market for the DVDs probably won't be as big as it could be. Speaking of which, did I read correctly somewhere that Starfleet went straight onto video in America, without being shown on TV? If so, how did the videos manage to sell successfully? Presumably only dedicated sci-fi fans would have found out about them?

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 9:12 pm
by Rachel
It's a shame the WWW wasn't more widely available in the mid 80s; there would probably have been more forums dedicated to Terrahawks (and Starfleet) developed, if so, when these shows were more fresh in people's minds. (I have noticed on the 80s Nostalgia site that a few people loved Thawks, but now only remember it vaguely.) As I wasn't very fond of many of my classmates at the time, such forums could have filled a big void in my life. Well, better late than never!

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 11:05 pm
by AndyThomas
The Net has certainly proved a massively useful tool when it comes to building communities which otherwise wouldn't have come together. Generally it was only through getting hold of magazines like Starburst that I was dimly aware of a sort of greater SF fandom than just me and a few mates. Once I got to Uni the whole thing became more immediate, mainly due to newsgroups at that point but now forums like this have, in some ways, taken over from the text-only format of the newsgroups. But what you really want to do is find yourself a convention for shows that you like and try and get to it. Now that I'm more set-up I'm probably going to try and get to some more - I haven't done a lot on that side of things since student times and it really is good fun. Ah, the memories ;)

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 9:57 pm
by Jim Box
Just curious Andy, but ever though of setting up a newsgroup? or similar?Going through my ISP newsgroup list (about 75000 groups) there appears to be just about everything listedIncluding the ubiquitious Starwars and StarTrek so why not SF?Jim

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 10:08 pm
by AndyThomas
Someone did once try to take over an old Star Trek related Star Fleet group, but to be honest, these days I think more people are familiar with this sort of forum than with newsgroups and you're probably less likely to start getting spam due to posting here than if you post on a newsgroup. There's also quite a lot of politics involved in starting a newsgroup with decent propagation, and I don't have the time to get votes etc etc. But hey, if anyone else wants to try it...!

Terrahawks official DVD Release this year!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 11:35 pm
by AndyThomas
Following on from that post, I've just been using Google's rather excellent "Groups" (newsgroups) archive. Our very own Darren (DJ Dust) did try and use that alt group for our own but got no reply. But what I also found, to my surprise, was a whole load of threads I hadn't previously come across dating back as far as 94, 95 on "starfleet" and "star fleet" using the word puppet as another search term. The odd old post by yours truly, but far more besides. It's fascinating stuff, and some people seem to have known at least as much as we do now about the show years back - even down to the Japanese origins etc. All good stuff...