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Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 1:58 pm
by Adam
>>and the clip show in which Cystar announced she was going to have a baby.<<The episode is Ma's Monsters with flaskbacks ofThunder-Path,The Sporilla and Operation S.A.S

Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 4:54 pm
by Rachel
If you want to work out how old I am, I will be 46 in the year 2020, when Terrahawks is set.

Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 5:04 pm
by Rachel
I don't mind the episodes being "over the top". How does Space Cyclops differ from the other eps with scary monsters?I generally quite like Play It Again Sram, I think it's very astute when Kate (I think) remarks that Zelda's song wasn't bad, and Tiger concedes that he has heard worse! I detect a "dig" at the quality of the rap songs that emerged in the 80s in real life. The episode is heartrending at the end, though; I can only surmise that Zelda is so bitter and unsympathetic towards Yungstar because he had said Kate Kestrel's song was much better than her own?Are there any robots as cute or cool as the zeroids, in any of the other Gerry Anderson programmes? Somehow, I doubt it.

Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 5:41 pm
by Adam
>>How does Space Cyclops differ from the other eps with scary monsters?<< Yes the monster looks very disappointing and I hate the animation in the way it blinks and also Johnson and Ninestine rendezvous at a restaurant and in the restaurant Stew Dappels gets in a fight with a Drunk (who is also Howard Druff from The Unseen Menace) which then ends up with everybody throwing custard pies, so pathetic. Tony Barwick ruined his reputation of writing master pieces when he wrote this episode.>>Are there any robots as cute or cool as the zeroids, in any of the other Gerry Anderson programmes?<<Well there's Robert the Robot (From Fireball XL5),Brayman (From the Thunderbirds episode Sunprobe) andSID (From the Captain Scarlet episode Lunaville 7) but these robots aren't suppose to be funny like Zeroids.(Edited by Adam at 9:36 pm on Aug. 6, 2002)

Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:26 pm
by Rachel
I have never seen a full episode of Fireball XL5, but I did see clips on a documentary about Gerry A, about 2 years ago. It looked OK. There was also a robot called Robert in Mooncat & Co, if I remember rightly. The zeroids have to be my fave robots, ever, it will be hard for any others to beat them.

Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:28 pm
by Rachel
Who is the oldest person here? Hope it isn't me.Just think, if you were an android of Zelda's race, you would still be an adolescent youth (or maiden, in my case) at the age of 99!

Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 9:35 am
by Happosai
I think we've done this before (maybe on the old board...I forget...)You're certainly not the oldest here, of the end of June this year I'm no longer in my twenties...:([Happosai]| | / /V Bringing together fans of Japanese| | a n i m e // =(@;@)= animation, graphic art and pop ~(,,) culture in the North-West of England<http://www.NanimeW.Org.UK/> -=*=- <mailto:Info[at]NanimeW.Org.UK>

Terrahawks DVD Review!

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 8:59 pm
by Rachel
This evening in the pub, some people were discussing the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I had to laugh to myself, as ironically my man really IS on Mars!