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Sweet Dreams are made of this...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 7:02 am
by Rachel
There's nothing wrong with sheer frivolous entertainment; but Terrahawks is actually more important than that, as I think it is not only beneficial but essential to be familiar with the characters who get victimised. For example, if you have ever been the sole target of someone's malice, your only source of comfort in the world could be the empathy with Zero, who is the butt of Ninestein's spite. And the programme makes me realise that it isn't just me who has had to cope with people as hideous as Zelda (on the inside and the outside!) in the past.

Sweet Dreams are made of this...

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 5:11 pm
by Rachel
Something occurred to me: why is "disgusting gluttony" (to quote Zelda) considered a sin, generally? My own appetite is actually a blessing to any Earthling I dislike: because, let's face it, there is no way I would commit murder, until prison meals get a better reputation!

Sweet Dreams are made of this...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:39 am
by Rachel
I don't know if you have seen the episode Space Giant yet, but Yung-Star cares about the Sporilla in that: when the creature is suffering in the circus cage, Yung-Star says "Why are Earth men so cruel, Mother?" So you see, there is a good concrete reason why you shouldn't pick on the poor boy! Personally, great apes aren't my cup of tea; one of my worst nightmares, when I was little, involved a gorilla abducting me! But we all like different animals; I only watch The Osbournes because of the adorable Pomeranian dog and Siamese cat.The most unlikely people do sometimes get idolised. Take the only occasion my lovely father ever let me down, a few years ago: we were in a queue in a cafe, and the family in front of us got the last mouthwateringly-delicious, succulent roast chicken, leaving me with a boring selection of food. Naturellement, I said "Oh b***er!" Now maybe I needed a white stick, but I could see nothing wonderful or regal about the lucky family in front; but Dad must have venerated them for some reason, because he yelled, "Rachel, don't!" (He could have said "Don't worry sweetheart, the chicken is probably undercooked, and will give them severe food-poisoning!" That would have cheered me up.) Of course, his reaction gave me a lifelong grudge against his heroes, and I would laugh if Sporill, or another big scary creature devoured them. (I'll probably delete this paragraph some time, just in case my dad happened to log on here.) I would lose more graciously to someone I revered; like, a brilliant beautiful popstar such as Kate Kestrel or Debbie Harry.