A Canadian Tape

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A Canadian Tape

Post by AndyThomas »

I'll be posting some pictures of this in due course - it's nothing new as it's been on F Zero One for some time but as I now have it I thought I'd add it to the site (link to F-01 below).http://www.starfleetxbomber.co.uk/merch ... dex.htmThe one I have is episodes 7 and 8 - no apparent intro into the tape itself but the episodes are indeed uncut and presented separately. Unfortunately the quality of the tape itself isn't great, possibly due to sun damage, although it is watchable. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this release is the use of actual images from the series on the cover artwork, even if some are upside down! I'll sort out the photos shortly.
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator