Whats the deal with the bug mind control?

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Whats the deal with the bug mind control?

Post by felice »

Anyone fluent in japanese might be able to learn a bit more by watching the original japanese series, but failing that, there isn't anything more to know, just speculation. But speculation is fun 8)It's usually spelt Makara, but it does sound like McKara, and she is more or less human-looking and a red-head. Hmmm...The Imperial Master's servants appear to be taken from a variety of species, possibly some more willing than others. It's interesting that while all the Alliance officers are cybernetically enhanced, only Carter and Orion have actual bug-things on their heads. Maybe Orion's incompetence is actually the result of an internal struggle against his bug?I assume the bugs themselves are cybernetically modified creatures, creatures with useful natural abilities adapted to precisely serve the needs of the Alliance. They don't seem to provide direct control over the wearer, but rather alter their loyalties and personalities.The purpose of Makara's second face is uncertain. Maybe it provides enhanced senses - covering her natural eye wouldn't make much sense otherwise, though possibly that's the easiest way for Alliance tech to access the brain. Maybe also personality backup to give her resistance to brainwashing? Or is it a supervisor - an independently sentient entity rather than an aspect of Makara herself?
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Whats the deal with the bug mind control?

Post by AndyThomas »

Well as per the Genesis storyline, I'd adopt the general cybernetic control view - with Carter being a new recruit his is more temporary and not as integrated as Makara's or Orion's. I think the bug motif is just the Alliance's horror tactics at work; Makara's symbiote is clearly more functional and may act as a sort of silent advisor. It might also relay information directly back to the Imperial Master without underlings having the benefit of editing reports. It's all a bit like Trek's Borg, but without the hive mind - the individuality is still in there, at least in captured aliens, but officers like Makara and Orion seem to be very heavily cyberntically enhanced which suggests they've been bred for their roles.
Andy Thomas - SFXB Webmaster and Forum Moderator
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Whats the deal with the bug mind control?

Post by felice »

The bug look could be just cosmetic, but it would be creepier if they really were bugs. It seems kind of plausible - a parasite could evolve that injected a mind-altering substance to eliminate its host's desire to remove it. Such a venom would be easily adapted to suit the needs of the Alliance; simply transfering the desire to protect and obey from the parasite to the Alliance. Cybernetic modification would prevent the bug itself from getting any pesky ideas about free will, or from over-eating and harming the host.Makara's symbiote is certainly differently functional; whether it's a more sophisticated version of the same device or something fundamentally different is up for debate.I'd say that the degree of cybernetic enhancements suggests that Makara and Orion weren't bred for the role, but "recruits" that needed modification to meet the needs of the Alliance. I don't know what different information is in the Japanese version, if any - I don't think anyone here speaks Japanese fluently. But it's unlikely that the original translation was very precise, and there's an extra episode that never got translated at all (a clip show, but there could be interesting stuff in the linking scenes).
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Whats the deal with the bug mind control?

Post by Crash »

I dunno, those lobsters looked pretty artificial to me, like they were made of metal.
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Joe Meredith
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Whats the deal with the bug mind control?

Post by Joe Meredith »

Hi All,I've just joined up - I think I was on the old board but that was quite a while ago!Anyway, I saw this thread and it reminded me of a story I started to write a few years ago, set around the time Lamia/F-01 escaped to Mars.  It was mostly set from the point of view of the 'bad guys' so I *tried* to explain the symbiosis thing in it.  The way I explained the officers was that they were captured from planets the Alliance had invaded and conditioned to serve their new masters.  I had it in mind that the Lobster/caterpillar type of symbiont were the 'standard' thing, whereas Makara had the talking 'mask' as she was very strong willed before they 'turned' her and she continually fought the conditioning.  She still 'dreamed' (this I used as a way of explaining her background) and over time it was my intention that this conflict would slowly drive her insane (as she bacame towards the end of the series).  I think I made Orion quite a weak planetary governor who was very easily conditioned so he still possessed his cowardly traits.I didn't get around to explaining the Termoids - but thought of them being part organic with a metallic exoskeleton so they could operate in all climates and in zero gravity.The Imperial Master was quite a tricky one, I thought of him as an Omnipotent spirit whose sole aim was to destroy Lamia and rule the galaxy himself.  I didn't have the Alliance as mindless planet invaders though, and one part of the story I did like (even though i say so myself) was the aspect that they had a base on Makaras home planet, and when her mother (who was part of the planets leadership - and a right bitch too) discovered her daughter didn't intend to go into her arranged marriage she 'gave' her to the Alliance commandant who had her Conditioned as an Officer.All this talking about this old story has got me all nostalgic - maybe I should have another look at it!Anyway, that was my 'take' on the enemy - I'd be pleased to hear what folks think of my odd ideas and any others you may have.Joe
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Whats the deal with the bug mind control?

Post by Crash »

Hey Joe, welcome to the board.I like the sound of this story, sounds like something creepily official and linked to the series, just the sort of thing they would have had happen in my opinion. I want to see that written up and published somewhere on the net, sounds excellent.Anyway welcome again, hope you like it here.
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